12th International Students’ Gathering held in Burkina Faso

12th International Students’ Gathering held in Burkina Faso

UDEF’s 12th International Students’ Gathering, which this year is projected to be held in 91 cities of 51 different countries was held in Burkina Faso.

The event that was held in the Burkina Faso’s capital city of Ouagadougou was attended by Burkina Faso MP Seg-Nogo Salamata Ouedraogo/Sawadogo, UDEF Vice President Mucahit Uludag, OSEh General Secretary Yakup Sawadogo, Turkish Ambassador of Burkina Faso H.E. Asim Arar, Co-ordinator of Burkina Faso Turkish Maarif Foundation Mustafa Ucmaz and a number of Turkish alumni and international students.

The event started with the recitation from the Noble Quran. Following the recitation, UDEF Vice President, Mucahit Uludag put forth his inaugural speech. Mentioning about UDEF and its international students related activities Uludag said, “This year we will be organizing the 12th International Students’ Gathering in 91 cities of 51 different counties with a slogan of For a Just World, From East to West. And we shall be witnessing the joy of bring together dozens of voices and cultures together.”

Later, MP Sef-Nogo Salamata Ouedraoga/Sawadogo addressed the event saying, “I am close and keen follower of UDEF and its international students related activities. And I would like to extend my gratitude towards UDEF for their efforts in this regard.”

The event comprised of question and answer session regarding Turkish Scholarship, UDEF and its affliate student organisations, activities related to international students, relations with Turkish Alumni and other similar queries from the participants.

With local dance and musical performances, the event seemed no less that a festival itself. Later the participants were served with the local delicacies.

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